Media Cyphers is a weekly radio show out of Kalamazoo, MI where we discuss local issues, analyze and critique local and national media, cover important organizing in the SW Michigan region, and call out the establishment on its B.S. Listen to us live every Tuesday from 12PM-2PM on 89.1 WIDR or online at widrfm.org.
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
We are joined by local artist and journalist Casey Grooten to talk about the space Radiant Church has taken up on the downtown walking mall. Following the shuttering of several Kalamazoo Mall businesses following the COVID-19 pandemic, Radiant Church seized on the opportunity by buying up several properties in the area (with aims to continue gaining more properties and expanding).
Grooten talks about the incentives Radiant has to buy up properties, and we dive into the theological stance of the church that is decidedly at odds with the Kalamazoo community when it comes to being welcoming to LGBTQ residents. Describing homosexuality as a "spiritual illness" we look at how the church obfuscates these bigoted views at their businesses and what their goals of perpetual expansion mean for Kalamazoo and spaces in the downtown area.
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
We are joined by WMU (and 89.1WIDR) alumni Bob Piellusch to get his first hand account of some critical national and local history around the killing of several Kent State students by the Ohio National Guard on May 4th, 1970. Bob tells us about his experiences as a high schooler during these years, and his time in WMU student government and role in organizing protests later that decade to prevent Kent State from building a gym on the site of the murders.
After we are joined by Lawrence to discuss some critical issues of the day. We talk about a push to expand affordable housing in Michigan, some of the potential pratfalls such a measure may be up against, and why local news media (such as WWMT) does not draw the connection between the lack of affordable housing and homelessness.
We observe the grim milestone of 1,000,000 COVID deaths, the role of conservative propaganda and corporate greed in prolonging the pandemic (including vaccine profiteering from Kalamazoo's own Pfizer), and how even the Democratic Party- who largely campaigned in 2020 on dealing with the pandemic like "adults"- have largely given up on doing what is necessary to mitigate COVID.
In a story to be filed under "some of those that work forces," we look at a report from Reuters that reveals that police trainers with ties to fascist groups like the Oathkeepers, Three Percenters, and the Proud Boys have been hired by police departments across the country.
We talk about the reaction and protests to the leak about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, as well as the larger conservative agenda that would very much like to turn back the clock to pre- reconstruction America.
0:00- 36:25 WMU Alumni Bob Piellusch on the Anniversary of the Kent State Massacre
38:00- 48:10 Affordable Housing in Michigan
50:00- 1:05:10 1,000,000 COVID Deaths in the U.S.
1:05:30- 1:17:40 Fascist Organizers Are Running Police Trainings Across the Country
1:21:20- 1:33:17 Roe v. Wade- Protests and The Conservative Agenda
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Ep. 14: Losing Abortion Rights in the U.S.A., Michigan, and What We Can Do About It
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
We spend the entirety of this episode responding to the breaking leak from the Supreme Court that sees them poised to fully overturn Roe v. Wade.
We pick apart the draft opinion and some of its other rather troubling implications, and talk about how the conservative game plan to overturn the landmark legislation came to fruition. We look at how this will play out in the State of Michigan, where a dormant law from 1931 will trigger after the court's decision and make abortion illegal in the state- and how a current ballot petition could put the restoration of abortion rights on our state ballot in November.
We also talk about the complicity of the Democratic Party who- while using the Republican's assault on abortion rights as a fundraising tool- have failed time and time again to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law (and could still do so at this very moment, were they willing).
At the 46 minute mark we replay some important historical context and analysis from our third podcast episode looking at the history of the anti-abortion movement and lessons current organizers can take from past struggles.
"The Real Origins of the Religious Right"
"We Need a Left Strategy For Confronting the Anti-Abortion Movement"
"Congressional Dems Are Failing to Secure Abortion Rights"
Background Music by Quantum Fleek
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
We talk about a recent happening at the Kalamazoo City Commission where a community benefits agreement was shot down with Graphic Packaging Inc. We look at how most of what GPI had on offer were very cosmetic, public-relations focused assets for the community like food trucks and job fairs that left the key problem they are creating unaddressed (pollution in the Northside neighborhood).
We talk about the police murder of Patrick Lyoya, our reactions to the video and events, and dig a little deeper into just why families like Patrick Lyoya's had to flee the Democratic Republic of Congo- a depressingly familiar series of events involving CIA backed assassinations and dictators.
Later in the program we look at how the Michigan GOP has picked its far-right, Trump endorsed candidates for secretary of state and attorney general- with goals like prosecuting Gretchen Whitmer and Jocelyn Benson for (completely made-up) election malfeasance and making critical race theory unconstitutional.
01:00- 13:55 Graphic Packaging Offers Kzoo Residents Crumbs
15:15- 27:00 Kzoo Sheriff Dept Stings Local Predators
27:40- 47:30 Patrick Lyoya, Police Brutality, and the Imperialist Legacy in the DRC
50:50- 53:50 Ron DeSantis Banning K-12 Math Books Due To... Critical Race Theory???
53:50- 1:15:50 Nina Turner Runs Again & The Progressive Caucus Gets Regressive
1:15:50- 1:35:25 Michigan GOP Picks Its Far Right SOS & Attorney General Candidates
Background Music by Quantum Fleek
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
We sit down with journalist Kathryn Joyce to discuss her series of articles at Salon spotlighting Michigan's own Hillsdale College and its role in the current right-wing push to transform and dismantle public education. We discuss the history of the college and how it ties into its current role in creating many of the right-wing strategies on education we see around the country, how this is functioning at a ground level at school board meetings and media propaganda, and how it ties into an overall goal to siphon public funds into schools that share the Hillsdale curriculum (i.e., light on harsh truths, heavy on the American exceptionalism).
"Salon investigates: The war on public schools is being fought from Hillsdale College"
"Battleground Michigan: GOP joins with militant far right in campaign against democracy"
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
We begin our show by interviewing local author Maya James about her recently published graphic novel "Lukumi." We talk about how her experiences in the community and as an organizer influenced her writing, the process behind the book, and how the personal and the political intersect in the novel.
Andy and Lawrence then dive in to a host of local issues. We give you an update on the striking Maru workers and how the corporation decided to shut down the Kalamazoo restaurant rather than accede to the workers' (very reasonable) demands. We call out the B.S. of such a tactic and discuss the ramifications for future organizing in Kalamazoo's food service sector.
We look at the legacy of outgoing congressional representative Fred Upton and how his "moderate" reputation obscures a history of working for Wall Street and shifting his principles around as the financial winds blow, including his infamous 180 on environmental issues. We then look forward at the terrain of our currently reconstituted 4th Congressional District and give you 4-1-1 on Rep. Bill Huizenga, a Holland Republican who will be running to represent our area in the midterms.
We then talk about the police murder of African immigrant Patrick Lyoya in Grand Rapids- the brutality of the murder, the organizing around it, and why (as of April 12th at least) there has been a noticeable lack of media coverage on the killing.
We spend the last half-hour of the show interviewing Raelyn Joyce, a local organizer with Kalamazoo Non-Violent Opponents of War. They are organizing a screening of "Hunger Ward" on WMU's campus this Thursday to highlight the current famine occurring in Yemen due to years long war with Saudi Arabia. We talk with Raelyn about the U.S.'s role in exacerbating the suffering in Yemen, how our weapons are STILL being sold to the Saudis even after bipartisan efforts to stop the war, why some conflicts get treated differently than others by the corporate media, and what local Kalamazoo residents can to do to mobilize and help the people of Yemen.
00:35- 32:00 Interview w/ Maya James on Her Graphic Novel "Lukumi"
37:35- 48:30 Capitalism Strikes Back- Kzoo Maru Workers Shut Out and Shut Down
48:50- 1:08:30 The Legacy of Rep. Fred Upton & Looking at Bill Huizenga
1:10:00- 1:21:45 The Police Murder of Patrick Lyoya in GR and the LACK of Media Coverage
1:21:45- 1:50:12 Interview w/ KNOW Organizer Raelyn Joyce on War in Yemen Documentary "Hunger Ward"
This is a Bookstore
Thursday, April 14th @ 6:30PM
1910 Sangren Hall
Western Michigan University
Thursday, April 14th @ 7:00PM
Background Music Performed by Quantum Fleek
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
We start our show by interviewing organizers at last week's protest at the Kalamazoo Public School administration building. A wide range of local organizations sponsored an event highlighting many different issues in our public schools, from KPS bus drivers demanding a living wage, the racial discrimination present in schools, to ensuring KPS follows the science of COVID safety and not the politicization of COVID that puts students at risk.
We then provide some pertinent updates about the situation in Ukraine. We look at the posturing of U.S. politicians and examine some hypocrisy from Biden and the current administration's perpetuation of war crimes in places like Afghanistan and Yemen, to a known conservative firebrand decrying U.S. support of Nazis in Ukraine while palling around with their U.S. equivalents.
We talk about some of the Russian government's recent speeches and actions and read between the lines, and spend time looking at how the U.S. backlash has had some fallout for press freedom here in the U.S. In particular we talk about the shuttering of RT America and how it has provided the perfect excuse for corporations like YouTube to expunge their platform of voices critical of U.S. capitalism and imperialism like Chris Hedges' "On Contact," Lee Camp's "Redacted Tonight," and Abby Martin's archived episodes of "Breaking the Set."
We talk about how Koch Industries is continuing to operate (and profit) in Russia and why a "No Fly Zone" is a potential recipe for nuclear disaster.
We then switch to the domestic sphere to talk about the broader cultural conversation around Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, the dangers of banking while black, and a recent article from MLive that sheds light on the lack of Michigan's transparency laws for its legislature and governor's office.
0:00- 18:50 Interview w/ Organizers @ KPS Protest
19:20 Ukraine Updates
--23:20- 29:50 U.S. Politicians and The Imperialist Pot Calling the Kettle Black
--29:50- 42:40 Peace Talks, A Look at Putin's Recent Speech & "De-Nazification"
--42:40- 1:00:00 RT America Shut Down and YouTube Pulls Videos Critical of U.S. Capitalism, Racism, and Imperialism
--1:00:00- 1:08:40 Koch Industries Continues Profiting in Russia
--1:08:40- 1:19:25 The Nuclear Danger of a No Fly Zone
1:19:25- 1:29:00 Kanye & Kim and How It Highlights Abusive Break-Ups
1:29:00- 1:41:00 The Dangers of Banking While Black
1:41:00- 1:46:20 Lack of Transparency in Michigan's State Gov't
"The Dawn of an Even More Dangerous Cold War"
"Michigan Legislature leaves Sunshine Week in the dark with no reform to transparency laws"
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
We start our episode interviewing the head of the recently established Union of Kalamazoo Public Library Aides and Custodial Hourlies Mazalyn Raaymakers and union member Joseph Veld about their struggle for better wages and full-time employment at the Kalamazoo Public Library. We talk about how they came about establishing their union, their relationship with an outwardly "progressive" library system that is being more on the regressive side when it comes to a living wage, and the importance of the KPL walking the walk when it comes to "equity and inclusion" for their employees.
We are then joined by co-host Lawrence to give our thoughts on several important topics.
We begin by looking at the situation in Ukraine and what much of the mainstream media isn't talking about- including NATO (and America's) role in antagonizing Putin and the Russian government, the very real Nazi problem in Ukraine, and the financial motivations behind much of it that are putting innocent Ukranians in the cross hairs. We also critique a Western media that has established a very dubious double standard when it comes to Ukraine and how differently it frames refugees when they are white, Christian, and European.
We look at a story from Ann Arbor and their repeal of a racist housing covenant still on their books. From there we start a deeper discussion of the role of these covenants historically in Michigan and Kalamazoo and the impact they still have on our neighborhoods today.
We close out the show talking about the shenanigans at CPAC- from a former progressive icon going all in on reactionary politics, to a conservatives like Marjorie Taylor Greene palling around with overt fascists.
We close out the show by giving our thoughts on the recent State of the Union address.
0:00- 29:30 Interview w/ Union of KPL Aides & Custodial Hourlies On Their Struggle For Higher Wages30:00- 1:06:35 Thoughts on Ukraine
1:08:00- 1:23:10 Racist Housing Covenant Repealed in Ann Arbor (and Discussion of the History of Racist Housing Covenants in Michigan AND Kalamazoo)
1:23:40- 1:41:10 CPAC
1:41:10- 2:02:40 State of the Union
"Newly unionized Kalamazoo Public Library aides and custodians protest contract impasse"
"Media Cyphers: Ukraine 101"
"Ann Arbor subdivision becomes 1st in Michigan to repeal racist property covenant"
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
BONUS: Teach-In on George Jackson’s ”Blood In My Eye”
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
In this bonus podcast we feature a recording of a teach-in from Media Cyphers host Andy Argo for the Socialist Party of Michigan.
We look at George Jackson's classic and extremely relevant revolutionary text and talk about the modern parallels and still existing social issues Jackson critiqued in his book published some 50 years ago. We deep dive into Jackson's analysis of the prison-industrial complex, Socialist organizing, and the process of fascism.
"George Jackson’s ‘Blood in My Eye’ is a collection of writings on prison life, racism, and revolutionary politics from a Marxist point of view, completed only days before the author was killed at the hands of San Quentin prison guards.
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Ep. 8: Kalamazoo’s Black Organizing History with Jacob Pinney-Johnson
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
In this episode of our podcast we spend the hour talking with Jacob Pinney-Johnson about the history of black lead community organizing in Kalamazoo, how it interweaves with the history of his family, and some of the issues the black community in Kalamazoo has had to confront throughout the years. We also talk about how current organizers in the city- and generations coming up- can take lessons from the past to organize better for the future.
Jacob Pinney-Johnson is a lifelong Kalamazoo resident and prolific community organizer who has worked with organizations such as Uplift, Urban Alliance, Project X, and more.